Projection of Studying Emotional Intelligence as to the Problem of Developing Managers’ Professional Competence


  • Oleksandra Fedoruk аспірант кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ



emotional intelligence, professional competence, emotional management, theoretical approaches, self-efficacy


The main theoretical approaches in the research of the ontological content of emotional intelligence are defined and analyzed in the article. M. A. Kholodnaya’s approaches are considered, the relevant ones for our research are: informational, regulatory. The models of emotional intelligence of Meyer-Selovey-Caruso, R. Bar-On and D. Goleman are analyzed, which are based on information and regulatory approaches. The Meyer-SeloveyCaruso model provides a theoretical foundation for the search of EI development sources for managers. Modalities highlighted by R. Bar-On, in our opinion, can serve as a basic list of criteria for evaluating the emotional competence of management staff. Considering Goleman’s social skills, we concluded that all of these structural and functional projections are important for an effective manager. The Petrides-Fernham model is also taken into account and the concept of self-efficacy within the framework of A. Bandura’s theory is considered. It is theoretically confirmed that in the Petridez-Fernham model the ability of EI is the main modeling factor of self-efficacy. Leadership manifest and communicative cases are highlighted. Within the manifest case, we divided the qualities of a leader in two levels (two types) of competence and emotional competence. Within the framework of the communicative case, the problem of leader’s «charisma» was discussed. The concept of «leadership» in terms of emotional intelligence is considered. So, leadership is the ability to operate across the spectrum of human styles in order to effectively carry out the social purpose of the accumulation where the carriers of those styles are situated. It is concluded that a model based criteria and epistemic principles most elaborated in the theories listed above can serve as a methodological basis for determining psychological mechanisms of emotional intelligence formation in managers. And also that the fact that defining the characteristics of a self-efficacy profile and its relation to psychological skills, conditions, motor reproductions and motivations should form the basis of practical studies of EC (emotional competence) indicators in a real management environment.



