The Legal Acts As Form Of Realization Of The Legal Personality Of The Entrepreneurial Legal Entities Of Private Law


  • A.V. Zelisko


normative act


Legal nature of acts of organs of management of the entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law is considered in the article. As a result, an author supported scientific conception that corporate acts are the special legal facts. These corporate acts differ from legal deals and normative acts. These acts of organs of management of legal entity are none of existent types of legal facts. The acts of management organs are not the normative acts, because: they do not have obligatory character; they do not regulate corporate relations; they are individual acts. The acts of management organs are not the deals, because: they are not base on will of all participants (as a rule, management organs made decision not unanimously); they generate civil legal consequences only on the basis of co-operation of acts of management organs (one organs of management form will of legal entity, and other express her in relationships with the third persons).


