The Juridical Mechanism For Settlement Of Environmental And Legal Conflicts (Problem Statement)


  • Z.V. Yaremak


environmental and legal conflict, environmental dispute, alternative methods of conflict resolution, jurisdictional forms of dispute resolution.


This article provides theoretical and legal research of legal forms, methods and juridical procedures, which in the aggregate form a juridical mechanism for settlement of environmental and legal conflicts.

The present state of study of designated problems in science of environmental law is analysed.It was concluded that the environmental and legal developments related, as a rule, by environmental disputes resolution in the context of a separate natural resource focusing on traditional forms and methods of dispute resolution.It was substantiated the necessity of a comprehensive research of problemsof environmental conflicts resolution in the context of the analysis of scientific researches in the field of juridical conflict, the subject study of which is the question of solving legal conflicts in general.

It was the conclusion about the necessity of improving the mechanism of legal regulation of non-traditional procedures of conflict resolution which will facilitate their development and opportunities in the future to become a viable alternative to the judicial, administrative and other jurisdictional forms of dispute resolution.


