Legal Status Of The Rural Community In Accordance To The Law Of The Austrian Government From 5 March 1862


  • L.M. Boiko


rural community, self-government, legal status, territorial community, bodies of public self-government.


This article analyzes the legal status of a rural community based on the provisions of the Public Law of March 5, 1862. Conducting reforms in the field of rural self­government and the adoption of new legal acts on the Western Ukrainian lands in the composition of Austria and Austria-Hungary, gave impetus to the development of territorial communities. Despite the fact that control remained under the Austrian empire, local communities have expanded considerably. The community itself was responsible for the well-being of its citizens and itself controlled the observance of the latest moral standards of conduct. The new electoral system also contributed to the development of self-government in villages and towns.

The state legal acts of the Austrian monarchy in the field of administrative reform of the West Ukrainian lands provided the communities with more freedoms and opportunities, eliminating a significant number of restrictions established by Poland. The system of local self-government was rebuilt based on the basic norms of democracy.

In conclusion, the author points out that historical experience allows us to follow certain regularities in the evolutionary process of formation of local self­government bodies, and in conjunction with legal synthesis one can get a solid basis for designing a new, improved model of local self-government. That is why studying the regulatory framework, which was historically established and formed a system of local authorities, is a key point in improving the relevant system in our time.


