Peculiarities of the constitutional and legal responsibility of the president of the state in foreign countries


  • V.V. Knysh



responsibility, social responsibility, socio-legal responsibility, legal responsibility, constitutional-legal responsibility, political responsibility, responsibility of the head of state, president’s responsibility, constitutional-legal responsibility of the president in foreign countries, constitutional-legal responsibility of the President of Ukraine


The article examines theoretical-legal and practical-applied aspects of the constitutional-legal responsibility of the president of the state in the most developed foreign countries. In the author’s opinion, an important role is assigned to the mechanisms of constitutional and legal responsibility of the president as the head of the republic (in some cases, also the head of the executive power of the republic) before civil society, the state and other public authorities. At the same time, both positive (prospective) and negative (retrospective) responsibility is important. For Ukraine at the current stage of European integration, as well as the development and improvement of the mechanism of constitutional and legal responsibility of the head of state and related institutions, the experience of leading foreign countries in this field plays an important role. The given considerations prove the theoretical and applied significance of this problem.
That is why the subject of a separate study is the peculiarities of the constitutional and legal responsibility of the president of the state in foreign countries, taking into account their positive experience for Ukraine.





Theoretical, comparative, historical principles of legal regulation