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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal " THE ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF REGIONAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT "is published in Ukrainian, English and Polish twice a year.

ISSN 2518-7589 (Online), ISSN 2313-8246 (Print)

Authors should submit an electronic version of the article to the Editorial Boardʼs e-mail for prior review for compliance with the journal subject and requirements. On the condition of the positive conclusion the author should send additionally (scanned variant) assignment of copyright.

The Journal  does not charge authors any fee for submitting and publishing their manuscripts

But authors pay for DOI and postage.

The rules for submission of electronic  form of article are as follows:

1.Acceptable text formats: MS Word (rtf, doc).

2. Acceptable graphic formats for figures: TIFF, GIF, JEPG.

Maximal term of rewiewing is 20 days.

The term between publication and submission of article is 3 month.


The undersigned authors* of article manuscript titled __________________ __________________________________________________________________

on acceptance for publication hereby transfer to the Editorial board and Founders of the Journal of “The actual problems of regional economy development non-exclusive license for the full term of copyright for:

1.    Publication of this article and distribution of printed copies.

2.    Distribution of electronic copies  for  all  electronic  media  and  formats (posting on the Journal’s official web-site, any e-print services and electronic databases or repositories).

While, we keep the rights without Editorial board and Founders of the Journal of  “The actual problems of regional economy development” authorization to:

1.    Make copies of the Article (all or part) for teaching purposes.

2.    Include the Article (all or part) in a research thesis or dissertation.

3.    Make  oral presentation  of the  Article  (all  or  part)  and  to  include  a  summary  and/or highlights of it in papers distributed at such presentations or in conference proceedings.

4.    Include electronic copies of the Article (including final published Journal format) on:

a.    personal authors’ web-resources (web-sites, web-pages, blogs, etc.);

b.    web-resources of the Institutions (including their repositories) where Authors worked when research for the Article was carried out;

c.    noncommercial web-resources of open access.

In all cases the appropriative bibliographic citation or URL on the official Journal web-site must be included.

The undersigned guarantee that the submitted manuscript:

1.    Does not infringe upon a copyright of any third party.

2.    Was not published in any other journals and has not been submitted for consideration to any other journals.

_________                                                                   ________________

signature                                                                          author’s name


status, occupation


address of working place



*  Signature of the first author only on behalf of all authors is permitted


Article structure

The article must be designed according to the Decision of HAC №7-05/1 of 15 January 2003 "On increasing requirements for professional publications, listed by HAC of Ukraine". The article is to contain logically interrelated sections. All sections must start with heading in bold.

Introduction (statement of the problem in general form and its connection to important scientific and practical tasks; analysis of recent research and publications where beginning of solution of existing problems is and on which the author refers to; unsolved aspects of the problem, separation of unsolved earlier parts of general problem to which article is dedicated).

Task statement (research objective, methodology and data).

Results (main research material with justification of derived scientific results).

Conclusions (conclusions of research, recommendations for further research in this area).

Bibliographic list (at least 8 sources). Each position in the bibliographic list should have a reference in the text. For a bibliographic list in Ukraine Ukrainian State Standard (ДСТУ) 8302:2015 should be used (Read more...)

For a bibliographic list in English style MLA should be used (Read more...)

Abstract should be identical in original language and English variant. Abstract should be no less than 1800 characters and cover the following structural issues: theme of the article, purpose, methods of research, results, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. Before the annotation in the appropriate language the names and initials of all authors, title, and address of the organization (for each author) should be indicated.

Key words must be written in original language and English. Their number should not exceed ten units.


Technical requirements

The article should be made in text editor Microsoft Word (file must have the extension *.doc  * .docx or *.rtf). The file name in Latin letters should match the last name of the first author (example: Petrenko.doc, Petrenko.rtf). Margins on all sides - 25 mm. Type - Times New Roman Cyr, Size - 12. Interval -1.

The article must be structured by such elements:

  • Last name and first name or authors in Ukrainian and in English in the right corner of the sheet (in bold);
  • TITLE in Ukrainian and English (in bold capital letters);
  • institution, where the work was completed (name of institution, departmental affiliation, post code, post address, phone number), email & ORCID of author. If the team of authors includes employees of various institutions, the location of each author should be specified;
  • article text (according to its structure) - type Times New Roman, 12
  • References (type Times New Roman, 10)
  • Information about the author (s): Last name and first name, scientific degree, academic title, position, institution, address for correspondence, phone numbers, e-mail.

Illustrations (schemes, graphs, diagrams) should be submitted additionally in file format * .tiff. Digital material must be given in the table that has a serial number, right-aligned (eg. Table 1) and name (printed below the table in the middle with bold letters, for example, Features of policy of sustainable development in foreign countries). After the tables and figures the source ([ ], the author`s ellaboration;, compiled by the author based on [], etc.) must be indicated. Illustrations should also be numbered and they should have names that appear outside the graphic object (eg, Fig. 1. Classification of priorities for innovation activity of small business and sources of its funding). Illustrative material must be contrasting black and white. Formula (with standard numbering) must be performed in the editor Microsoft Equation. Captions of figures and formulas should be available for editing. All graphics should not be scanned.

References in the text should be given in square brackets, eg, [4, p. 31; 2, p. 21-39], in which the first digit indicates the serial number of the source in the bibliography, and the second - the appropriate page in the source. One source is separated from the rest by a semicolon [1; 2; 5; 8; 11; 19].

The number of self-citations is limited to 2 sources.

Editorial board is not responsible for the information included in the article.

The author is responsible for the originality of the text of the article (author is responsible for plagiarism), accuracy of facts, quotations, statistics, proper names, place names and other information, as well as the fact that the materials do not contain information that must not be open publishing.

Address of Editorial Board: 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk, 57 Shevchenko Str., Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Department of Finance, e-mail: Executive Secretary of the journal Zoryana Krykhovetska, +380664717708

Sample article


УДК 332.1

Петренко С.В.¹, Іванов С.М.²


¹Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка,

Міністерствo освіти і науки України,

кафедра обліку і аудиту,

вул. Університетська, 1, м. Львів,



е-mail: ……………….


² Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний


Анотація. Стаття спрямована на дослідження закордонного досвіду ………

Ключові слова: сталий розвиток…………..

Petrenko S.V. ¹, Ivanov S.M. ²


¹Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,

Department of Accounting and Audit,

Universytetska Str., 1, Lviv,

79000, Ukraine,


е-mail: ……………….



² Dnipro state agrarian –economic University,

Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine,

Department of Accounting and Audit,

Voroshylova Str., 25, Dnipro,

49600, Ukraine,


е-mail: ……………….

Abstract. The article is directed ……………………….

Key words: sustainable development………………………….

IntroductionRegional policy of sustainable development………….

Task statement. Foreign experience of solving the problem of……………

Results. Considering themselves the leader in development……………….

                                                                                                                                                    Table 1

                                       Proposed checking payments program …………

Content of procedure

Information sources





The presence of supporting documents on the right receiving products

Contracts, letters, applications

Inspection, checking documents





Fig. 1. Structure of economic activity…………………….

ConclusionsIn comparison to the developed countries…………………….



1. Drobnohod, Mykola, Volvach, Fedir, and Sergiy Ivanenko. Conceptual bases of formation of ecological thinking and abilities to build a harmonious relationship with nature, MAUP, 2000.

2. May, Christopher. The Information  Society. A Sceptical View, К.І.С., 2004.


Information about the author (s):


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