
  • Z. V. Kvasniі Precarpathian Institute named after Mykhailo Hrushevsky "MAUP", Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, department of management of organizations, economy and entrepreneurship, V. Ivasyuka str., 21, Truskavets, 82200, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9124-1579
  • I. M. Gonak Lviv Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, department of management, economics and tourism, Hetman Mazepa str., 29, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0009-0002-0556-6364
  • A. O. Petsukh Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, graduate school, Frometivska str., 2, Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0009-0007-9803-3327




tourism, territorial communities of Lviv region, tourism-recreational sphere, historical-cultural tourist resources, negative impact of war


The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarities of the tourism and recreational sphere in the economy of territorial communities of Lviv region in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. This article examines Lviv region as one of the most attractive regions for tourism in Ukraine. The value of historical and cultural tourist resources of Lviv region, which attract visitors' attention, is substantiated. The article groups the tourism and recreational activities in Lviv region into main categories, providing a wide range of opportunities for tourists in the Lviv region, regardless of their interests and preferences. The infrastructure of Lviv region, which plays an important role in the development of the tourism and recreational potential of the region, creating comfortable conditions for tourists and holidaymakers and contributing to the growth of their flow, is investigated and described. The main components of the infrastructure influencing the tourism and recreational sector of Lviv region are identified. Special attention is paid to the presence of developed infrastructure of territorial communities in Lviv region, which is a key factor contributing to the growth of tourist traffic in the region, creating comfortable conditions for visitors and promoting the development of the tourism industry. It is emphasized that intensive development of tourism in Lviv region is possible provided that the existing problems are addressed by local authorities. The importance of applying the principles of sustainable use of natural resources in tourism and recreational activities in Lviv region is substantiated and their significance is outlined. The negative impact of the war on the tourism and recreational sphere of territorial communities of Lviv region is justified. The serious impact of the war on the tourism and recreational sphere of territorial communities of Lviv region, leading to a large number of negative consequences for the development of tourism and the local economy, is proven. The article proposes prospective directions for the development of tourism in various territorial communities of Lviv region. The article explores the peculiarities of tourism and recreation in the economy of territorial communities of Lviv region. It discusses the impact of the tourism industry on the socio-economic development of the region, as well as the resources and strategies that can be used to maximize its potential.

Author Biographies

Z. V. Kvasniі, Precarpathian Institute named after Mykhailo Hrushevsky "MAUP", Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, department of management of organizations, economy and entrepreneurship, V. Ivasyuka str., 21, Truskavets, 82200, Ukraine

PhD (Econ.), Associate Professor

I. M. Gonak, Lviv Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, department of management, economics and tourism, Hetman Mazepa str., 29, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

PhD (Econ.), Associate Professor

A. O. Petsukh, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, graduate school, Frometivska str., 2, Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine

Postgraduate student


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