Peer Review Process

Editors, editorial board members, reviewers adhere strictly to the principles of scientific and publishing codes of ethics. All articles go through the procedure of independent professional secret review before making a decision to publish the article in our journal.

If the manuscript does not correspond to the topic of the journal and is not designed according to the requirements of the journal, the authors shall be informed of the reasons for refusal to accept the manuscript. If the submitted manuscript is original, without suspicion of plagiarism, it is sent to the responsible editor, who evaluates the quality of the article, taking into account the topicality, scientific novelty, and the correctness of the sources. 

If the editor's decision is positive, the article is sent to two independent reviewers who are specialists in the relevant field and topic. They read the manuscript closely and provides the individual critiques in a form of a report which contains comments, remarks and recommendations such as “Accept Submission”, “Revisions Required”, “Resubmit for Review”, “Reject Submission” etc.

In case of positive reviews, the article will be recommended for publication. In case of at least one negative review, the article may be returned to the author for revision or rejected. The editorial board sends the reports to author by e-mail either with a final decision, or with a revision request, which in turn can be accepted or declined by the author. Once the referees are satisfied with a latest version, it can be accepted for publication by the editorial board.

This process is double-blind peer reviev. In double-blind peer review, both the authors and reviewers keep their anonymity. Only the editors know the identity of all parties involved.

The process of reviewing an article takes up to two months.