Dynamics of Contemporary Ukrainian Adventure Prose for Children and Youth





Ukrainian literature for children and youth, adventure prose, genre, style, military themes, genre synthesis


        The article examines the dynamics of adventure prose in the early XXI century on the example of the latest Ukrainian works for children and youth. The author characterizes the genre properties of the adventure novel. The contribution of Ukrainian scholars to the development of theoretical aspects of adventure literature is analyzed. The system of adventure prose for children and youth is substantiated, adventure-detective, adventure-historical, adventure-school, adventure-fantasy prose, fantasy as a kind of fantasy literature are distinguished in it. The most representative texts of the XXI century for young readers in terms of genre, style and thematic originality are considered. The author uses general scientific methods of analysis and generalization of the information in order to study theoretical, historical and literary sources; systematic method is applied to systematize the research material; historical, typological and cultural-historical methods – to outline the artistic features of the analyzed works, to clarify the author's stylistic originality and genre specificity.

       Within the framework of adventure and detective prose, the author characterizes the novels by Lesia Voronyna, Zirka Menzatiuk, Diana Melnykova, Nataliia Dovhopol. Adventure and fantasy prose and fiction are analyzed on the example of stories by Lesia Voronyna, Kseniia Kovalska, Liubko Deresh, Serhii Oksenyk. It is noted that adventure-historical novels (Volodymyr Rutkivskyi, Andrii Bachynskyi, Zirka Menzatiuk, Ivan Andrusiak, Nastia Melnychenko, Petro Yatsenko) have become visibly widespread in the XXI century. Adolescent and youth issues (relationships with peers, parents, problems of growing up) are realized in the so-called adventure-school works by Valentyn Berdt, Nastia Muzychenko, Olia Rusina, and others.

        It is noted that the dynamics of the adventure prose system occurs through the emergence of new writers’ personalities, strengthening the artistic quality of works for children. The author emphasizes the synthetic nature of the vast majority of adventure texts for children (a detective story on a historical theme, an adventure-fantasy story with elements of a detective story, a historical work with elements of fiction, an adventure-school story based on psychology, etc.), provided that the adventure-expressive means of the adventure text are preserved.


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How to Cite

Kyzylova, V. (2024). Dynamics of Contemporary Ukrainian Adventure Prose for Children and Youth. Children’s Literature: Interdisciplinary Discourse, 1(1), 37–52. https://doi.org/10.15330/clid.1.1.37-52