Belonging to convergence classes of Hadamard compositions of Gelfond-Leont'ev derivatives for analytic functions
entire function, analytic function in the unit disk, Gelfond-Leont'ev derivative, Hadamard composition
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The conditions are found, under which the belonging to Valiron convergence class of entire functions f and g implies the belonging to this class of Gelfond-Leont'ev derivative of Hadamard composition of functions f and g and of Hadamard composition of Gelfond-Leont'ev derivatives of these functions. Analogous problem is solved for analytic functions in the unit disk.
How to Cite
Mulyava, O.; Sheremeta, M. Belonging to Convergence Classes of Hadamard Compositions of Gelfond-Leont’ev Derivatives for Analytic Functions. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2012, 4, 111-115.