On diameters estimations of the commuting graphs of Sylow $p$-subgroups of the symmetric groups

commuting graph, wreath product, Sylow $p$-subgroup, symmetric group
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The commuting graph of a group $G$ is an undirected graph whose vertices are non-central elements of $G$ and two distinct vertices $x,y$ are adjacent if and only if $xy=yx$. This article deals with the properties of the commuting graphs of Sylow $p$-subgroups of the symmetric groups. We define conditions of connectedness of respective graphs and give estimations of the diameters if graph is connected.
How to Cite
Leshchenko, Y.; Zoria, L. On Diameters Estimations of the Commuting Graphs of Sylow $p$-Subgroups of the Symmetric Groups. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2013, 5, 70-78.