Classification of the extreme points of Ls(2l3) by computation


  • Sung Guen Kim Kyungpook National University, 41566, Daegu, South Korea


extreme point
Published online: 2022-11-12


Let l3=R3 be endowed with the supremum norm. In [Comment. Math. 2017,  57 (1), 1-7], S.G. Kim classified the extreme points of the unit ball of Ls(2l3) only using Mathematica 8, where Ls(2l3) is the space of symmetric bilinear forms on l3. It seems to be interesting and meaningful to classify the extreme points of the unit ball of Ls(2l3) without using Mathematica 8. The aim of this paper is to make such classification by mathematical calculations.

How to Cite
Kim, S. G. Classification of the Extreme Points of Ls(2l3) by Computation. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2022, 14, 371-387.