The culture of democracy in the content of professional pedagogical training of future masters


  • Marianna Matishak



democracy culture, democratization, professional pedagogical preparation, future masters


The article deals with the problem of forming a culture of democracy in the content of professional pedagogical training of future masters. The modern investigations of the problem are analyzed; theoretical substantiation of key concepts is carried out. It is determined that the democratization of university education promotes the establishment of the principles of humanism, freedom, equality, ensures the partnership between the participants in the educational process. Key concepts of democracy are considered by scientists as a social phenomenon that is formed and realized in interaction with other people, refers to the value sphere of the individual, determines behavior, worldview, affects the activity and personal self-realization.
It is proved that the culture of democracy in the educational process should be considered from the social and personal positions, namely: as a democratically determined set of norms and rules governing the system of social relations, activity, interpersonal interaction of subjects in an educational institution and outside it; as a personal quality that defines views, attitudes, ways of behavior, activity, interaction of subjects of the educational process on a democratic basis.
It is argued that the process of assimilation of democratic values should be carried out in accordance with cognitive, activity and cultural approaches. To democratize the educational process should be integrated in the appropriate pedagogical conditions, for example: to deepen the knowledge of future teachers about their rights and responsibilities, to stimulate partnership and cooperation between the participants in the educational process, to form values orientations of a democratic direction, and to realize democratization in direct practical activity.



