
  • Bohdan Paska State Higher Educational Institution “Vasyl’ Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, The Department of Foreign Languages and Translation,
  • Taras Paska State Higher Educational Institution “Vasyl’ Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, The Department of Foreign Languages and Translation,



Keywords: Nadvirna district, Hutsulshchyna, Pokuttya, museum pedagogy, museum studies, national-cultural identity, national-patriotic education, historical and cultural heritage.


The article highlights possibilities and practical experience of museum pedagogy and museum environment in forming the national-cultural identity of school youth of the Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The strategy of national-patriotic education of children and youth for 2016–2020, approved by the Presidential Decree and the Concept of “New Ukrainian School” for the period up to 2029, envisages active involvement of pupils in the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people and their native land. An important instrument for the realization of this task becomes the activity of museums as unique cultural institutions and centers of national memory, self-identification of citizens. Therefore, the article argues the necessity of scientific and methodological substantiation of educational opportunities of the museums of the Nadvirna district, the development of museum pedagogy as a new scientific discipline, formed at the junction of museology, pedagogy and psychology.

Museums of the Nadvirna district were the result of deliberate, systematic, creative, search-and-research work of scientists, teachers, students and pupils, ethnographers, employees of cultural institutions, public figures. Over the years of Ukraine’s independence, a network of public, departmental and private museums has been established in the district that are engaged in the preservation, research and popularization of the historical past of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttia, promotsion of museum values, and development of museum pedagogy. Some of them are unique in Ukraine.

The article analyzes traditional and interactive technologies and forms of work of the museums of Nadvirna district from the beginning of the XXI century to this day. In the district five school local history museums were created in the villages of Dobrotiv, Sadzhavka, Chernyk, Molodkiv, Krasna. There is the active research and popularization of the history of the native land in the folk museum of the history of Nadvirna district (Nadvirna city), the Hutsul museum (Nadvirna city), the Marijka Pidhiryanka literature and ethnographic museum (Bili Oslavy village), the museum of the oil fields of Galicia (Pniv village), the museum of the Carpathian forest (Deliatyn), Deliatyn local history museum, Private ethnographic museum (Fytkiv village), Museum “History of the Underground Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church” (Fytkiv village), art gallery of painter Stepan Gerylyshyn (Strymba village). The creation of museums was facilitated by the implementation of the regional program of development and activities of the public museum for the period until 2010, approved by the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council in 2003.

Young ethnographers of Nadvirna district, activists of school museums became active participants of All-Uk­rainian, regional and district expeditions, conferences, competitions, olympiads, projects. Great educatio­nal potential have meetings with famous fellow countrymen, artists, writers, scientists, veterans, defenders of Ukraine. There are presentations of local hystory editions, exhibitions of antiquities and own collections. A network of historical and ethnographic groups is working on the basis of museums, and there are lessons of history, geography, literature, art culture and educational hours with schoolchildren.

The following areas of research and activities in the field of museum pedagogy are topical for museum scientists in Nadvirna district:

- improvement of the educational concept of the museum of the region and forecasting of their development;

- development of long-term and short-term cultural and educational programs and projects for youth in order to popularize the historical and cultural monuments of Nadvirna district;

- expansion of the network of school ethnographic and thematic museums on a voluntary basis;

- assistance in carrying out of public reviews of monuments, memorable places, burial places of participants of national liberation movement and victims of totalitarian regimes, known people of the region;

- creation of new museum expositions devoted to the events of the Revolution of Dignity, participation of the residents of Nadvirna district in protecting of the Motherland from Russian aggression in the Eastern Ukraine and in European integration processes;

- establishment of systematic interaction with partners of museums research, cultural-educational and religious institutions (including with diasporas), tourist information centers and individuals collectors, masters of decorative arts, veterans, eyewitnesses of historical events.

Modern society is interested in the educational capabilities of museums, and the ethnographers of the Nadvirna district continue their search and research work, persistently collect, study, systematize the artefacts of the historical past of their native land to educate patriots and defenders of Ukraine. Museum pedagogy has become an important means of national-patriotic education, the formation of the national-cultural identity of children and youth of the Nadvirna district.

Keywords: Nadvirna district, Hutsulshchyna, Pokuttya, museum pedagogy, museum studies, national-cultural identity, national-patriotic education, historical and cultural heritage.




