
  • Igor KOLІADA National Pedagogical University of M. P. Drahomanov, Department of Social Studies and Gender Education




sixties, film documentary, historical documentary film, cinema-making, cinema encyclopedia of Ukrainian history


The main idea of the article is to elucidation the contribution of the outstanding artist M. Vinhranovskyі to the development of Ukrainian cinema documentation.The disclosure of the actual problem will contribute to the further development of Ukrainian biography in general and the creation of a comprehensive biography of a talented figure of Ukrainian culture, which was a significant figure for the history of Ukraine from the 20-th to the beginning of the 21th century.

In the article Igor Kolyada “Historical documentary of M. Vinhranovskyі” in the context of M. Vinhra- novskyі biography is related little investigated aspect of his work – historical film documentary.The author covers the stages of the project of M. Vinhranovsky’s “Fourteen Capitals of Ukraine” from the conception of the idea to the embodiment of the creative idea.

For the first time, with the involvement of a new complex of archival sources and materials, the pages  of artist’s biography related to the implementation of the project “Cinema Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History”.

The process of creation of the project’s cinemas and the reasons for successes and failures accompanying the artist during the implementation of his creative ideas are discussed.The creative plans and plans of the artist are analyzed. That made it possible to reveal the national-cultural component of the work of a prominent figure of the sixties.

Historical documentary in the life of M. Vіnhranovskyі, despite the incompleteness of the projects, gave an opportunity to highlight the ideals and to testify to the high

degree of his national consciousness and stability, the loyalty to the ideals of the sixties and the desire to devote his entire talent to reviving the national culture and

historical memory of Ukrainians, overcoming inertia and infantilism, “spiritual slavery” of the Ukrainian people, formed by the Soviet system as a model of life and create “the film encyclopedia of history of Ukraine”.

degree of his national consciousness and stability, the loyalty to the ideals of the sixties and the desire to devote his entire talent to reviving the national culture and




