
  • Mykola KUHUTIAK



The article is devoted to the analysis of historiographical and source aspects of issues related to the historical past of the Krylos Monastery of the Holy Virgin Assumption, which was closely connected to the activities of the Assumption Cathedral and the Galician Episcopal Center. For a century and a half, scientists have managed to conduct large-scale archaeological and historical research of the past of ancient Halych, but the history of its main shrine – Krylos Assumption Monastery – remained on the margins of scientific research. The vast majority of scientific publications related to the history of ancient Halych did not deal with the problems of the Assumption Monastery, or covered some aspects of it, in particular the guardianship of the Assumption monastery of the XVth century, the governorship in Halych (A. Schneider, I. Sharanevych, I. Rudovich, I. Krypiakevych), land holdings of the monastery and its location (Y. Pelenskyi, Y. Pasternak, B. Tomenchuk). Various aspects of the monastery activity were studied by a number of domestic and foreign researchers (O. Kupchynskyi, B. Lawrence, Z. Fedunkiv).

For the first time, the theme of the Krylos Assumption Monastery, as an independent subject of study, was raised in 2008 by Lviv archaeologist V. Petryk. Although the location of the Krylos Assumption Monastery of the XVII–XVIIIth centuries is without any doubt, it was near the Church of the Assumption within the defensive wall, its location in the XII–XVIth centuries still remains the subject of discussion – Zolotyi Tik, or the area near the Assumption Cathedral.

During the search for documents on the history of the Assumption Monastery, materials of the Basilian Sumarii – a collection of documents gathered by Basilian monks in order to substantiate the activities of the monastery over the centuries were found. Materials of Sumarii were actively used during the trial between the Basilians and the diocesan clergy of the 18th century. In action and replication books of Sumarii, the Basilians gave their interpretation of the concept of guardianship, raised the problems of church-monastery terminology and substantiated the fundamental rights to land ownership. A valuable collection of documents entitled “Monumenta Perehinska i Krylosa” was found in the fund of the Greek Catholic Metropolitan Ordinariate. The Latin-language inventory of the Assumption and other monasteries, made by the consultant E. Ozemkevych on October 14, 1749, is of great importance for the study of the Krylos Monastery. The search activity of the Basilians in the middle of the 18th century, initiated to substantiate their rights and estates, was resulted in the collection of historical heritage, awareness of the church and monastery elite of their spiritual origins and national and cultural revival of the people.

Keywords: Krylos Monastery of the Holy Virgin Assumption, historiographical discourse, written sources, Basilian Sumarii, collection of documents “Monumenta Perehinska i Krylosa”, inventory of the Assumption Monastery in 1749.

документів “Monumenta Perehinska i Krylosa”, інвентар Успенської обителі 1749 року.

