Fractal Dimension and Parameters of the Grunasena Polymer Systems with Negative Poissonratio


  • T.N. Shevchuk Rivne State Humanitarian University
  • N.A. Bordjuk Rivne State Humanitarian University



polymer systems, fractal value, Poisson's ratio, parameter Grunaisen, cluster model, macromolel flexibility


Based on the principles of fractal approach and synergy of structure formation processes modeled in polymer ausketykah based on thermoplastic polyurethane filled with powder of iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W). Within the cluster model filled polymers shown that clusters and mizhklasterni area is nanoutvorenyamy.To study defined lattice of acoustic parameters of the Grunasena. Modeled filled polymer such systems, using fractal dimensions determined by the dimensions of boundary layers.


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How to Cite

Shevchuk, T., & Bordjuk, N. (2016). Fractal Dimension and Parameters of the Grunasena Polymer Systems with Negative Poissonratio. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 17(4), 476–481.



Scientific articles