The crystal structure of R3Fe0.1Ga1.6S7 chalcogenides (R – La, Ce, Pr and Tb)
crystal structure, rare earth elements, chalcogenides, X-ray powder method, EDAX analysisAbstract
The paper reports the study of the crystal structure of chalcogenides of the composition R3Fe0.1Ga1.6S7 (R = La, Ce, Pr and Tb) as promising materials predicted to possess interesting nonlinear optical and electrical properties. Samples of stoichiometric composition were synthesized by co-melting the elements in quartz containers evacuated to a residual pressure of 10–2 Pa at the maximum synthesis temperature of 1100 °C. The crystal structure of the chalcogenides La3Fe0.1Ga1.6S7 {a = 10.1884(6) Å, c = 6.0515(4) Å}, Ce3Fe0.1Ga1.6S7 {a = 10.0864(4) Å, c = 6.0440(3) Å}, Pr3Fe0.1Ga1.6S7 {a = 9.9853(3) Å, c = 6.0648(2) Å} and Tb3Fe0.1Ga1.6S7 {a = 9.6692(7) Å, c = 6.0799(5) Å} was studied by X-ray powder method. It was determined that the structure of the synthesized phases belongs to the hexagonal symmetry (La3CuSiS7 structure type; space group P63). The structure of the complex chalcogenides (A), (B), (C) and (D) is based on the R3Ga1.67S7 sulfides (R = La, Ce, Pr, and Tb) by substituting gallium atoms in the 2a sites with atoms of statistical mixture M1{0.57(2) Ga + 0.10(2) Fe}, M2{0.56(1) Ga + 0.10(2) Fe}, M3 {0.61(8) Ga + 0.09(1) Fe} and M4 {0.57(2) Ga + 0.10(2) Fe}, respectively. Rare earth atoms are localized in the 6c sites and center sulfur atoms to form trigonal prisms with an additional atom [R 3S13S21S3]. Atoms of statistical mixtures M1, M2, M3, M4 are localized in the 2a sites forming [M 6S2] octahedra. Ga atoms in the 2b sites are surrounded by four sulfur atoms [Ga 3S11S3].
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