Use of Multiple Linear Regression for the Prediction of Thermal Regime of Wells


  • Ya.S. Biletskyi Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • V.V. Prokopiv Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • M.V. Senjushkevych IFNTUOG
  • L.V. Turovska Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • K.O. Burak IFNTUOG



field, well, geothermal step, prediction, multiple linear regression


Questions of prediction of the thermal regime of a well for the calculation of the drilling parameters have been discussed. Researches and publications have been analyzed, and it has been noted, that despite the fact that the need for such forecast is indicated, there are no recommendations for the techniques in literature sources. It has been proposed to perform this prediction using multiple regression analysis, using the results of the temperature measurements, which are performed during geophysical research of a well immediately after drilling. The example of the use of the proposed methodology has been shown. Based on mathematical statistical analysis of the obtained results, it has been confirmed that the temperatureregime depends not only on the depth of the horizontal position, but also on the time of operation of afield.


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How to Cite

Biletskyi, Y., Prokopiv, V. ., Senjushkevych, M., Turovska, L., & Burak, K. (2016). Use of Multiple Linear Regression for the Prediction of Thermal Regime of Wells. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 17(4), 637–642.



Scientific articles