Growing of Mercury-Indium Telluride Perfect Single Crystals


  • O.V. Galochkin Bukovyna State Finance and Economics University
  • Y.D. Zakharuk Chernivtsi University
  • V.M. Sklyarchuk Chernivtsi University
  • V.Z. Tsaliy Bukovyna State Finance and Economics University
  • A.A. Asheulov Bukovyna State Finance and Economics University
  • S.G. Dremluzhenko Chernivtsi University



mercury-indium telluride, solid material, special thermal analysis, band melting.


The perfect single crystals of mercury-indium telluride were grown by the modified method of zone melting. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray structure analysis are performed.


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How to Cite

Galochkin, O., Zakharuk, Y., Sklyarchuk, . V., Tsaliy, V., Asheulov, A., & Dremluzhenko, S. (2016). Growing of Mercury-Indium Telluride Perfect Single Crystals. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 17(1), 129–133.



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