Application of the Generation Theory In Consultation of the Organi­zational Personnel


  • Oksana Liutak кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ



personnel of the organization, theory of generations, generation X, Y, Z,, centenials


Application of the Generation Theory In Consultation of the Organi­zational Personnel


In the article author analyzes the possibility of applying the theory of generations to coun­seling the personnel of the organization. This theory will help workers better understand the age characteristics of each other, respectively, improve the quality of interaction both horizontally and vertically; will increase productivity and motivate work.

The modern theory of generations was first presented by researchers from the United States N. Hove and W. Strauss in the book «Generation» (1991). The authors reviewed the history of the United States, including thirteen colonies, as a change of Anglo-American generations, from 1584 to the present. They discovered historical analogies between past and present generations, described repetitive behavior patterns of four types of generations.

According to N. Hoover and V. Strauss, there is a certain model in the development of generations, which was influenced by historical events. The authors named this model as trans­for­mations or periods. Each period lasts 20–22 years, 4 periods constitute a complete cycle that lasts approximately 80–90 years. The change of generations moves the cycle of transformations and determines its periodicity.

N. Hove and W. Strauss define the social generation as a set of all people born in a period of about 20 years (period), or one complete cycle.

The authors singled out a cycle of social transformations: ascent, awakening, recession and crisis and four types of archetypes of generations: the Prophet, the Traveler, the Hero and the Artist.

According to the theory of generations, distinguish the types of newcomers (of those who are today): a) the generation of winners or GI (1901–1924); b) silent generation (1925–1942); c) ge­ne­ration of boomers or Baby Boom (1943–1960); d) Generation X (1961–1981); e) generation Y (1982–2004); f) Generation Z (2005–2020).

Generation Y, Millennium, «Generation Next» – children who graduated from school until the beginning of the 21st century. They are now the most productive part of the Ukrainian popu­lation. They impose high demands on the world; pay attention to the composition of products, often dependent on fashion, emancipated, care about health and appearance, appreciate the possibility of choice; civic duty and morals; They are also characterized by naivete and ability to obey. Women often take on the main role, boldly declare their desires. In this generation there are first metrosexuals.

Generations Z or Centaali (born after 2000) are very different from all previous generations.

Often, problems in the organization are caused not by manifestations of individual characteristics of workers, but by value inter-tribal conflicts. Effectiveness and coherence of the work of the organization of the XXI century. depends on the ability of the head or psychologist to take into account the basic provisions of the theory of generations and use it to obtain a positive result. The prospects for further research we are seen in a more detailed study of the theory of generations within the Ukrainian socio-cultural area.

