The role of educational and professional practice in professional formation of social professions’ students


  • Alla Borysiuk доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри психології та філософії, Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Буковинський державний медичний університет», м. Чернівці



competence, professional training, professional practice, professional identity, client experience


The role of educational-professional practice in the professional development of future specialists was analysed in the article. Particular attention is paid to a linkage between theoretical, practical training and personal development in the professional formation of a future specialist.

The phase of professional training of future specialists at a higher education institution is an important step towards becoming a professional. During this period, the professional self-determination of the individual is intensified, the worldview is shaped at the angle of the future profession, the professional skills and abilities are refined, professionally significant qualities are emerged, the professional identity is formed, the primary professional experience is acquired.

It is well-known that the professional competence of specialists in socionomy professions is provided practically through the all groups of professionally significant qualities. The high level of professional qualifications formation, specifically, and professional competence, in general, is impossible without formed practical skills and abilities. The profession of specialists of socionomy direction is characterized by a predominance of orientation towards practical activity. Therefore, professional practice plays an important role in the training of the future specialist. The purpose of professional practice is to verify and consolidate the knowledge gained by students during the study of basic disciplines, to improve the practical skills acquired during the school year, to get acquainted with the organization and the working conditions of the institution.

Particularly noteworthy is that during the practice a repeated psychological reconstruction of the student takes place. Passing the way from the observer to his active accomplice, the future specialist has the opportunity not only check his own level of practical training, but also to understand the motives of the activity, its place in the value structure, and ultimately – the right choice of profession.

In addition, the professional practice gives students the opportunity not only get an assessment according to the level of knowledge and the mastering of skills and abilities, but also to get feedback from current professionals. Professional practice, as the first experience of the student's approach to independent professional activity, is an extremely important factor for the future professional development.



