Analysis and Investigation of the Nazis Crimes, the Holocaust in the Stara-Ushytsia District of the Kamianets-Podiskyi Oblast (1942-1943)


  • A.V. Semeniuk-Prybaten
  • Y.A. Khoptiar



ghetto, Jews, crimes, collaborations, commission, violence, Nazis, occupying, occupied territory, terror regime


The process of the Holocaust in the Stara Ushytsia district of the Kamianets-Podilskyi oblast during the period of 1941-1944 is analyzed. The reasons and mechanisms for the executions of the Jewish population in the specified area are being investigated. In particular, immediately after the invasion of the Nazis invaders on June 22, 1941, the soldiers and commanders of the Soviet army put up resistance on all fronts, and in Podillia, but Wehrmacht troops appeared in Stara Ushytsia on July 7, 1941. From the first day of the occupation, the ferocious Nazi invaders began to rob the population of Stara Ushytsia, and a difficult period of occupation began.
Documents and materials have been analyzed and it gives a very complete picture of the chronology, implementation mechanisms, and methods of the Holocaust within the specified geographical boundaries.
Based on an investigation, a fragment of the period of Nazi occupation in the Stara Ushytsia district of the Kamianets-Podilskyi region was studied. It has been established that, implementing the anti-human policy of domination on the planetary scale, the Nazis with particular hatred set out to exterminate communists, Komsomol members, Jews, and others. The Holocaust occupied a special place in this policy since mass murders of Jews took place in almost every district center. A feature of the extermination of Jews in the Stara Ushytsia district was the absence of a ghetto, which is explained by the fairly compact Jewish population.
The authors determined the time, place, and methods of mass shootings of Jews in the specified territory. In the pre-war period, according to calculations, about 3,000 Jews lived in Stara Ushytsia. The first decade of September 1942 (one of the episodes) was chosen as the time of the massacre of the peaceful Jewish population by the Nazis. The place of the shootings turned out to be a ravine 1- 1.5 km west of Stara Ushytsia, near (to the right) the Kamianets-Podilskyi highway.
As a result of the research, it was concluded that 3,109 were killed in the Stara Ushytsia district and 3,002 people were deported to Germany. In total, the Commission determined the damages caused by the Nazi invaders to be 41,091,328 krb.





Theoretical, comparative, historical principles of legal regulation