Innovative Infrastructure: Problems And Prospects Of Development


  • O.S. Oliinyk


innovation activity, innovation infrastructure, subjects of innovation activity, innovative enterprise, technopark, technological platform.


The article examines the issue of system participants innovative relationships. In recent years Ukraine has a number of research towards the establishment and development of innovation infrastructure, the system of legal persons engaged in innovative activities.

However, despite the existence of specific legislation and active theoretical and legal research entities with the innovative nature of the activity, innovation infrastructure now in a state of development and testing. At the same time, the subjects of innovation has observed increased attention legislator, because those entities which are aimed at the development and application of new technologies should further enhance the competitiveness of Ukrainian economy.

Therefore, the article raised such topical issues relevant topics regarding special standing business innovation, organizational form, within which may be established separate legal entities innovative direction. In addition, enough remains contentious issue of legal approaches to the definition of innovative enterprises. Also in the article, the author points out that the legal status of individual subjects innovation in the law is not clearly defined. In turn, this leads to practical difficulties, for example, regarding the establishment of such legal entities, the legal status of their founders or members of government, so order their termination.

The article focuses on the fact that the study of the legal status of legal entities engaged in innovation, often used economic terms that have not been properly reflected in the legislative field, including clusters, venture capitalists, parks and more. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define the system of legal entities that are subject innovation or provide signs of how they should respond. In additionalso need to reconcile the provisions of the current legislation on common approaches to the system of business innovation.


