The Mechanism Of Transplantation Of Artificial And Cloned Organs


  • I.R. Ptashnyk


transplantation, organ donation, cloning, artificial organs, medical services, works and contractual obligations.


Transplantation nowadays is the symbol of the new century and presents a new branch of medicine as such. Due to the fact, that countries all over the world are experiencing an acute shortage of organs for transplantation and donation, new ways of solving such problems appear. The article will be devoted to description, characteristic and differentiation of possibility and mechanisms of using an artificial organs and organs, which were cloned from stem cells. There are three possibilities of creating an organ - cloning of organs (therapeutic cloning), transplantation of stem cells and transplantation of artificial organs.

One of the main questions that have to be analyzed in regards with present article is the question of property for the organ, cloned in the laboratory. In this case there are interests of two persons - DNA-donor and scientist. However, scientist may have interest only in a form of patent. Thus, there is only donor, who has predominant right to control his genetic material and the process of creating the organ and access to it.

One of the most important and protective issues, which should be included into contract or agreement are specific rights and obligations of both - patient, donor and medical institution.

As a conclusion, it should be noticed that in the case when cloning of organs will be recognized as legal and will be implemented into normal medical practice, the Parliament should adopt the legislative changes into the main laws, that will regulate relationships between donor of DNA for creating organ, scientist, who creates it, recipient, who receives the organ and medical authority, that conducts the transplantation.


