Social Network Tiktok as an Effective Platform to Prepare Teenagers for the National Multi-Subject Test




social networks, social media, TikTok learning, NMT (National Multi-Subject Test), preparation for NMT, teenage education, innovations in education, effectiveness of learning, teenagers, adolescents


The article explores the potential use of the social network TikTok as a platform for knowledge transmission and preparation for the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT) among high school students. Analysis of TikTok cases confirms that short video clips covering NMT curriculum materials in Ukrainian, mathematics, history, and other subjects are highly popular with teenagers. This is evidenced by the high engagement with the analyzed video content in terms of views, likes, comments, and shares. Utilizing educational content for NMT preparation on TikTok can contribute to more effective students' readiness. This is particularly achievable through the application of creative methods by educators, such as gamification of the learning process, utilization of audiovisual elements from teenage culture, and interactive material presentation formats. These methods enhance information retention, increase teenagers’ interest in learning, and make the preparation process more engaging.

The study determines the content preferences of teenagers: they receive news through Telegram channels, watch videos about military equipment and weapons on YouTube, and use Tiktok for educational content and entertainment. As for recreation, teenagers look for video game reviews on YouTube because there is little time left for independent play. Teenagers mostly find entertainment content on Tiktok. Incorporating TikTok content and teaching approaches borrowed from this platform can also help reduce stress levels among test takers. The use of short video lessons allows students to acquire knowledge in a convenient and accessible way, making NMT preparation not only less stressful but also more effective and appealing for contemporary teenagers.

Thus, according to the article, social networks can become powerful tools in the education system if their potential is utilized to create interactive and engaging educational content. 


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How to Cite

Kovalova, O. (2024). Social Network Tiktok as an Effective Platform to Prepare Teenagers for the National Multi-Subject Test. Children’s Literature: Interdisciplinary Discourse, 1(1), 109–120.