Quantum Size Effects in Thin Film Based on Lead Telluride


  • D.M. Freik Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • R.O. Dzumedzey Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • O.B. Kostyuk Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • M.A. Ruvinskyy Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University




quantum size effect, thin film, lead telluride, thermoelectric properties


Based on the model of quantum flat rectangular and with infinitely high walls pit, the correspondences were calculated and received value of the Fermi energy and kinetic coefficients (conductivity σ, Seebeck coefficient S and thermoelectric power S2σ) for n-PbTe, by the Boltzman kinetic equation. Еhe cases with strongly degenerate and degenerate electronic gas in the films of lead telluride with n-type of conductivity are considered separately. The oscillating character of dependences of thermoelectric parameters of nanostructures based on n-PbTe for the degenerate and strongly degenerate electron gas has been theoretically proved.


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How to Cite

Freik, D., Dzumedzey, R., Kostyuk, O., & Ruvinskyy, M. (2015). Quantum Size Effects in Thin Film Based on Lead Telluride. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 16(2), 284–288. https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.16.2.284-288



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