
  • Carpathian Mathematical Publications

    "Carpathian Mathematical Publications" is a scientific mathematical journal, which is published in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The journal was founded by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2008 and is published with support and assistance of Ivano-Frankivsk mathematical society. The journal publishes overview, problem-based, and original research articles devoted to actual problems of mathematics, in particular, mathematical analysis, topology, algebra, discrete mathematics, computational mathematics, differential equations, and mathematical physics.

    ISSN 2075-9827 (Print)   E-ISSN 2313-0210 (Online)

  • Еducation and advance for natural sciences and technology

    Журнал охоплює історію розвитку природничо-математичних наук і технологій в Україні і у світі. Особлива увага приділяється вкладу українських вчених у розвиток фізики, хімії, біології, математики і технологій у загальносвітовому контексті. Журнал також публікує статті, інтерв’ю, «роздуми» та спогади вчених  та про вчених, а також новини та події в галузі природничо-математичних наук.

  • Physics and Chemistry of Solid State

    Physics and Chemistry of Solid State is a peer-review academic periodical journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The main topics for manuscripts are related to the modern problems of the physics, chemistry and of the technology of solids state. The journal publishes reviews and original research papers.
    Journal's issues has been published from 2000.

    Media identifier (National): R30-02046

    ISSN 1729-4428 (Print)   E-ISSN 2309-8589 (Online)

    CiteScore  2023 - 1.7 (2022 - 1.1, 2021 - 0.8)

    SJR 2023 - 0.215

    SNIP 2023 - 0.431

    Quartile: Q3

    Frequency: quarterly

  • Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

    «Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University» is a multidisciplinary periodical academic journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University focused on the publication of original scientific research, surveys, and problem articles. 

    ISSN 2311-0155   (Print)   E-ISSN 2413-2349 (Online)

  • Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Biology

    "Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Biology" is periodical academic journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University focused on the publication of original scientific research, surveys, and problem articles related to current issues in the fields of Biology Sciences.

  • Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Philology

    "Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Philology" is periodical academic journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University focused on the publication of original scientific research, surveys, and problem articles related to current issues in the fields of Philology.

  • Educational Horizons

    Publication objectives: provides a platform for sharing professional discussion of modern problems in methodology, history of pedagogy, didactic methods, theory and practice of education, education management, social pedagogy, teaching methods, educational innovations in institutions of preschool, general secondary, vocational, higher and postgraduate education. The journal publishes original research papers in all areas related to Science and Education in Ukraine and beyond. A separate section "Outstanding figures" is devoted to historical past, important memorable dates,  extraordinary personalities of pedagogical science.

    ISSN 2706-7750 (Print)  

     E-ISSN 2664-9128 (Online)

  • Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpaty

    The journal highlights the methodological, theoretical and practical principles of pedagogical science development, current problems of schools education, including mountain regions of Ukraine and abroad. This scientific specialized edition of pedagogical sciences is intended for researchers, teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, academic staff, the parent community, and all those interested in the current status of pedagogical education development.

    ISSN 1994-4845 (Print)   E-ISSN 2415-7147 (Online)

  • Actual problems of improving of current legislation of Ukraine

    The collection deals with topical issues of public and private law, state building, issues of theory and history of state and law, legal reform in Ukraine, problems of legal regulation and protection of the environment, policy in the field of crime prevention. Suggestions for improvement of a number of institutes of constitutional, civil, criminal and other branches of law are made and grounded.
    For scientists, teachers, graduate students, applicants, students of law institutes, departments and faculties, lawyers.

    ISSN 2709-4677 (Print)

    ISSN 2788-5305 (Online)

  • Law & Society (untill 2019)

    "Law & Society" is a scientific legal and social journal, which is published in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The journal was founded by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2014 and is published with support and assistance of Ivano-Frankivsk legal society. The journal publishes overview, problem-based, and original research articles in all areas of law, politology, sociology including, but not limited to, problems of corporative law, criminal-legal policy of Ukraine, environmental protection and so on.

    ISSN 2410-4787 (Print)

  • Sultanivski Chytannia

    Book of articles “Sultanivski Chytannia” is an annual officially registered in Ukraine scientific serial. It has been established by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University for publishing the results of the researches in scope of literary criticism and methods of teaching literature. Its aim is to contribute to the development of literary criticism in Ukraine in the system correlation with modern humanity sphere evolution within the framework of organic combination of the theory-methodological experience with its possible practical application in scientific (literary criticism and philology) and educational activity (methods of teaching the philological disciplines – first of all literary criticism – in the educational institutions of all the levels of accreditation).

    ISSN 2313-5921 (Print)   E-ISSN 2415-3885 (Online)

  • Law & Society

    "Law & Society" is a scientific legal and social journal, which is published in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The journal was founded by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2014 and is published with support and assistance of Ivano-Frankivsk legal society. The journal publishes overview, problem-based, and original research articles in all areas of law, politology, sociology including, but not limited to, problems of corporative law, criminal-legal policy of Ukraine, environmental protection and so on.

    From 2020 publication is prepared by EMPORIO. INTERNATIONAL TRADE & LOGISTICS, Lublin, Poland and the Publishing House of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine

    ISSN 2719-552X (Print)

  • Newsletter of Precarpathian University. Political science.

    Newsletter Precarpathian University. Political science” was founded in 2006 by  Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

    The scientific journal contains scientific articles devoting with actual problems of the Theory and History of Political Sciense, Political Institution and Processes, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ethnical Politology and Ethnical State Studies and the Research Results of the Young scientists.

    The journal is oriented to scientific staff, Doctors of Sciences, Candidates of Political Sciences, lecturers, postgraduate students and students, as well as a wide audience of readers, interested in the issues of contemporary political science.

    ISSN 2312-1815 (Print)   E-ISSN 2415-1696 (Online)

  • Newsletter of Precarpathian University. Physical culture

    The results of scientific researches of urgent problems of physical education of the schoolboys and students, biomechanics, sports training and competition activities,  sports genetics, health-sporting tourism, history of physical culture, psychology of sports and physical education, valeology, adaptive physical culture, methodology and management of physical culture are discussed in almanac.

    ISSN 2078-3396 (Print)   E-ISSN 2411-4707 (Online)

  • Educational space of Ukraine

    The journal «Educational space of Ukraine» contains the scientific achievements of the famous Ukrainian and foreign scientists about actual problems of children's and youth's education in modern multicultural space in line with its globalization and integration. The results of scientific researches of pedagogical, humanitarian, psychological and social directions can be used by scientists, teachers, postgraduates students. The journal is also aimed at all readers for whom these problems are of scientific interest.

    ISSN 2409-9244 (Print)   E-ISSN 2521-6252 (Online)

  • The actual problems of regional economy development

    Strengthening the economic independence of the Ukrainian state largely depends on the efficiency of management at all levels. This necessitates a significant reform of the country's management mechanism, including its territorial planning system, raising the level of development of individual regions on the basis of complexity, dynamism, systematicity, interaction and interconnection of individual economic entities as constituent components of an integral economic system. At the same time, economic transformations should be justified as much as possible, using the achievements of science and practice. The magazine is devoted to a wide range of extremely relevant economic and organizational issues today. The journal's scientific works outline the theoretical foundations of state regulation mechanisms, investigate the problems of the functioning of state finances, the formation of the structure of financial resources, the development of the financial market, and the problems of economic security. Current issues of the economic development of the region are the study of domestic business development processes. Most of the works are devoted to the study of accounting and auditing, labor economics, social economics and politics. It is also worth noting the study of economic security, marketing, problems of the development of the financial and credit market. The authors solve theoretical issues with a concise reference to practical experience and give well-founded recommendations.

    ISSN  2313-8246  (print)   E-ISSN 2518-7589 (online)

  • Psychology of Personality

    Scientific theoretical and methodological and applied journal "Psychology of Personality" publishes innovative personological models and concepts, results of empirical research in the field of personality psychology, review articles on topical personological problems, discussion of controversial questions of formation and personality development psychology, methods of psychological health support and psychotherapy

    ISSN 2309-785X (Print)   E-ISSN 2413-7863 (Online)

  • Ukrainian studies

    "Ukrainian studies" is a scientific journal published in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The journal was founded by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in September 1998. The journal publishes articles covering actual topics of the spiritual values of Ukrainians, the language situation in Galicia, the literary process in Western Ukraine, national upbringing and schooling, ethnic structure and natural population movement of the Ukrainian Carpathians, cultural heritage of Ukraine. The journal is devoted to philologists, historians, ethnographers, jurists, educators, psychologists, cultural scientists, and anyone for whom Ukrainian studies are of scientific interest.

    ISSN 2312-5691 (Print)

  • Collection of scientific papers: psychology

    "Collection of scientific papers: psychology" is a journal founded and published by  Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk. The journal concentrates on topical issues of social psychology, social work, personal psychology, political psychology, managerial and organizational psychology, psychology of mass communications, family psychology, psychology of professional activity, educational and developmental psychology, clinical psychology, psychological security, military psychology, ethnopsychology, gender-sensitive issues, research methods in psychology.

    ISSN 2520-6710 (Print)   E-ISSN 2522-9109 (Online)

  • The scientific, cultural and educational local history journal "Halychyna"

    The scientific, cultural and educational local history journal "Halychyna" has been published in Ivano-Frankivsk since 1997. The appearance of this edition was a continuation of a long tradition of historical studies of the regions and regions of Ukraine, near the sources of which were prominent Ukrainian scientists Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Ivan Franko, Volodymyr Hnatyuk, Ivan Krypiakevich and others. The program objectives of the journal are reproduction of an objective picture of the historical past, public awareness of the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, analysis of socio-politicalsituation in modern Ukraine.

    ISSN 2312-1165  (Print)

  • The Precarpathian University Journal. Philosophy and Psychology

    "Вісник Прикарпатського університету. Філософські і психологічні науки" зараєстровано Міністерством юстиції України ("Свідотство про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації". Серія КВ №21485/11285 Р від 27 липня 2015 р.) і включено в Перелік наукових фахових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт на здобуття наукових ступенів доктора і кандидата наук, затвердженного наказом Міністерства освіти і науки України №241 від 09 березня 2016 р.

  • Karpatskyi kray

    In the journal "Karpatskyi kray. Scientific studies on history, culture, tourism" the results of scientific research from history, history of science and technology, art history, cultural studies, geography of tourism may be published.

  • Halych. Scientific work collection

    The scientific works сollection "Halych" contains the articles and materials devoted to various issues of the history of the city of Halych. The authors' team consists of researchers from Ukrainian and foreign universities and research institutions. The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in the history of the native land and its connections with the countries of Europe and the world.

  • Children's literature: interdisciplinary discourse

    «Children's literature:  interdisciplinary discourse» is a scientific journal, founded by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2024. The journal publishes reviews, problem-based and original research articles devoted to the study of children's literature as an artistic-aesthetic and socio-cultural phenomenon, the analysis of texts addressed to young readers and the contexts of their functioning, taking into account interdisciplinary perspectives. Much attention is also given to the children's book as a product of publishing activity.

    Frequency of publication: twice a year.

    Languages: Ukrainian, English

    The review of scientific articles for publication in the journal is provided regularly throughout the year.

    Media ID: R30-02739. (Registered by National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine from May 23, 2024. No. 1776)