

cadets, military higher education institutions, physical condition assessment, body mass index


The article presents the study of physical condition of the first year cadets in military higher education
The authors of many scientific papers argue that success of the military-professional activity and results
of professional training of cadets depend on their physical condition level. Experts note that physical
development and functional state of organism systems are a guarantee of safe and effective performance of
combat tasks by servicemen of different specialties. However, current research data indicates a gradual
deterioration in physical condition and health level of young Ukraine population during last 10-20 years.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the anthropometric and functional indicators of physical condition
of the first year cadets in military higher education institution and compare with the data of 10 years before.
Materials and Methods. 95 cadets (KG-2) aged 17–20 years from Kozhedub Air Force National University
were involved in the studies. All cadets were informed about the experiment and gave their assent.
Anthropometric (measurement of anthropometric data) and medical-biological (rhythm inversion,
electromanometry) methods of investigation were used to determine the assessment of the cadet’s physical
development. According to cadet’s anthropometric data the body mass index (BMI) or Quetelet index was
calculated. Another highly informative method - the assessment of Pirogova index was used for more precise
analysis of the physical condition of cadets. Pirogova physical condition index (PPCI) is a complex indicator
based on the heart rate (HR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), age, body weight, and body height.
The data obtained in the study was compared with the data of anthropometric and functional indicators
of physical condition of 40 first year cadets (KG-1) of 10 years before (2008).
Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using the EXCEL tables. The data was analyzed using
Student’s test, p less 0.05 was considered the level of significance.
Results and Discussion. The results of the study showed that the mean values of the anthropometric and
functional indicators of physical condition of the first year cadets in the last ten years have not been statistically
significant changes. The BMI also did not change statistically significant. However, the mean value of the PPCI
deteriorated by 4.6%, with p <0.05.
A comparative analysis of the PPCI assessments of the first-year cadets demonstrates a complete absence
of representatives with a “higher than average” grade among the CG-2 (2017 recruitment). However, there are
8% representatives with “higher than average” grade in the CG-1 (2008 recruitment). But among the representatives
of the CG-2 (2017 recruitment), 1% of cadets are present with “lower the average” PPCI assessment.
Conclusion. According to the results of the research it can be concluded that over the past 10 years there
has been a significant deterioration in the general physical condition of first-year cadets in Ukrainian military
higher education institutions.
Key words: cadets, military higher education institutions, physical condition assessment, body mass index


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