
  • N. Moskalenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
  • A. Poliakova Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
  • H. Torbaniuk Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports


integrated lesson of physical culture, elementary school, organizational and methodical principles, motor activity


One of the modern approaches to improving the system of education in elementary school is the
integration of learning, which is based on an integrated approach and implemented both within a separate
subject and between different educational disciplines. Therefore, new tasks are set for physical education that
require the scientific substantiation of the content of education and the creation of a special environment and
related activities in which the child could realize himself.
Integrated physical education in a comprehensive approach is required for scientific substantiation, and
it involves a combination of consistent and interrelated actions of the teacher and the student, aimed at forming
a coherent picture of the world.
The purpose of the study is to determine the organizational and methodological principles for the
implementation of integrated training in physical education lessons in elementary school.
The organizational and methodical principles of the introduction of integrated training in physical
education lessons include: the development of the content of integrated lessons that focus on the formation and
development of the child’s personality, the content should be related to the previous and subsequent
occupations; creation of conditions for the education of mechanisms of self-realization, self-education; rational
planning of the system of own actions of organizational and methodical nature – preparation of inventory and
equipment, selection of methods of organization, determination of physical activity, evaluation of performance,
focusing on positive qualities and achievements of students, on satisfaction of their needs for self-affirmation and
The questionnaire of teachers shows that the majority of teachers (66.8%) point out that integrated
physical education lessons contribute to the formation of interest of children in physical education and sports,
41.8% point at the ability to form imaginative thinking that facilitates the mastery of representations that
reproduce essential patterns of phenomena belonging to different spheres of activity. 71.3% note that the level of
scientific knowledge is increasing. It should be noted that the majority of respondents, 76.3%, noted that the use
of integrated physical education lessons contributes to the improvement of the educational process quality.
Key words: integrated lesson of physical culture, elementary school, organizational and methodical
principles, motor activity.


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