

football, League of Europe, competition, dynamics, club.


The popularity of football in the world is growing rapidly. This is stimulating, respectively, the
development of various high-class competitions. One of the most popular today is the UEFA Europe League,
which brings together leading professional football clubs from different countries. At the same time, the
dynamics of their participation and performance varies from year to year. Due to some changes in the format of
these competitions since 2009, it is advisable to find out the representation of professional football clubs in
Europa League to this day. Aim: to determine the dynamics and results of professional football clubs
participation in the UEFA Europe League competitions during 2009–2018. Material and methods. The main
sources of the research material were the protocols of the UEFA Europe League competitions during 2009–
2018. Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; theoretical interpretation
and explanation; analysis of documentary materials. Results. During the investigated period, different countries
had different representation of football clubs in the League of Europe. Naturally, from the stage 1/16 to the final
matches, the number of participants decreased. In quantitative terms, at various stages of these competitions,
England, Germany, Spain, Portugal have provided the largest participation. Speaking about the final matches, it
should be noted that England during 2009–2018 was represented by four of its professional football clubs, Spain
and Portugal – by three, the Netherlands, Ukraine and France – with only one team. At the same time, Atlético
Madrid and Sevilla (Spain) have three times the opportunity to participate in the final matches of the Europe
League; Benfica (Portugal) received this opportunity twice, all the others – only one time for the study period
were taking part in the final draws of the UEFA Europe League. Conclusions. Between 2009 and 2018 at the
various stages of the UEFA Europe League the most impressive results among the professional football clubs
were shown by Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico Madrid Sevilla (Spain), Bayern (Germany), Juventus (Italy),
Benfica (Portugal).
Key words: football, League of Europe, competition, dynamics, club.


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