

physical rehabilitation, trauma, anterior cruciate ligament, knee joint, rehabilitation


The article is devoted to the research of the effectiveness of the complex program of physical
rehabilitation of patients after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint during
arthroscopic surgical interventions. The basis of the program was the use of exercise modules on the
stabilographic platform, therapeutic gymnastics, therapeutic massage with elements of passive development to
increase the amplitude of movements in the affected joint and post-isometric relaxation, mechanotherapy on the
device for continuous joint development and observance of the orthopedic regime. Experimental studies have
shown the effectiveness of the proposed program in comparison with traditional approaches. According to the
developed program, 21 patients (the main group of patients) were rehabilitated after the reconstruction of the
ACL; For the 31 patients, physical rehabilitation was carried out according to the traditional program. The
results registered at the stage of the previous study indicated that there were no statistically significant
differences between the studied parameters and the age between the patients who were included in the control
and the main groups.
As a result of the application of the proposed comprehensive rehab program in the functional period of
rehabilitation compared with the baseline data in BG patients who were engaged in the program of physical
rehabilitation developed by us, the average parameters of the length of the step intact – 64.4±2.15 cm ( x ± S) and
the affected – 63.±2.2 cm ( x ± S) limbs had no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). These parameters
statistically significantly differed among patients CG (p≤0.05). The average parameters of the length of the step in
the affected limb of the patients with BG-63,1±2,2 cm ( x ± S) exceeded the parameters of the CG of patients
58,3±1,5 cm ( x ± S). The difference between BG and CG readings is statistically significant at p <0.05.
Key words: physical rehabilitation, trauma, anterior cruciate ligament, knee joint, rehabilitation.


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