

fitness, “Wellness” and “Spa” services, demand


In the article an actual question about the spectrum of “Spa” and “Wellness” services in the fitness
industry of Ivano-Frankivsk is formulated on the data of scientific literature. The purpose of the study is to study
the market of “Spa” and “Wellness” services in fitness clubs, centers, studios (on the example of Ivano-
Frankivsk). Monitoring and surveys were conducted on the basis of 12 fitness institutions, 74 fitness trainers and
153 clients of these health centers were surveyed. It was found that in all the studied objects, in addition to the
classes of different types of fitness, the first steps are taken to introduce additional “Wellness” and “Spa”
services in order to fully meet the needs of visitors. Among the interviewed clients, 63.5% indicated that they use
additional services and the most popular are: varieties of massage, phytobar , spa, sauna, dietitian’s advice.
Besides during the study we found that the ideal fitness club, according to respondents, is one in which:
individual opportunities and the level of physical training are taken into account (16.7%); where it is offered
alternative programs, if the person lags behind the group or the program doesn’t fit him or her (10.3%); the
workers do their best to create comfortable conditions for exercises (27.4%); specialists are constantly
improving (attending seminars, conferences, courses) in order to make the program more interesting (35.5%);
after a fitness lesson you can rest, recover and leave the institution feeling great (10,1%).
So, today the fitness industry is a sphere of activity, as well as an economic sector, which includes the
development, production and sale of goods and services oriented towards achieving the health and keeping fit.
The social phenomenon of “Wellness” with the complementary “Spa” services is a reality among the requests of
different sections of the population. The prospect of further search is to find out the directions for improving the
efficiency of providing these health services.
Key words: fitness, “Wellness” and “Spa” services, demand.


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