

Diabetes Mellitus, diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy, physical therapy


Aim: to investigate the dynamics of changes in clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with DM
and diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) under the influence of complex physical therapy.
Materials and methods. We observed 30 patients with type 2 diabetes, complicated DPN, and elevated
body mass index (BMI) (31.3±2.6). All patients underwent the dynamic comprehensive clinical and laboratory
investigation with registration of BP, HR, BMI, Shtunge’s test, Genchi’s test, calculation and evaluation of the
vital index (VI) and strength index (SI). DPN diagnosis was performed using scales: Neuropathic Symptomatic
Scale (NSS), Modified Neuropathic Dysfunctional Scale (mNDS). atients were divided into two groups,
depending on the course of the intended physical therapy. The course of physical therapy lasted 3 months,
consisted of 45 sessions every second day and independent exercises for relaxation and metered walking within
the city at a slow speed of 1-1.5 km for 30 minutes daily.
Research results. In all the marked DPN with pain, sensory and motor disorders was diagnosed.
Expression of clinical manifestations of DPN was higher in patients with longer diabetic history and worse
compensation of carbohydrate metabolism disturbances. In dynamic assessing the of the CVS state before and
after the course of physical therapy, a significant improvement was observed in patients from the main group in
view of the decrease of HR by 11.22% (p<0.05), systolic and diastolic BP by 8.39% (p<0.05) and 10.21%
(p<0.05) respectively, in comparing with the control group. The BMI of patients from the main group decreased by
15.72%, Shtunge’s test increased by 31.67%, and Genchi’s test – by 22.86%. In assessing the impact of physical
therapy on BMI, physical power and fitness, significant positive influence caused the decrease of BMI by 5.12%,
increase of VI by 8.10%, and SI by 11.58% with absence of significant changes in the those parameters in patients
were not passing the proposed course of physical therapy. Using of the scales for assessing the severity of DPN in
patients with DM (NSS, mNDS), we confirmed the significant decrease of the intensity of peripheral nervous system
damage as a result of the physical therapy in patients from the main group.
Conclusions. So, basic pharmaceutical therapy with hypoglycemic agents and additional complex of
physical therapy revealed significant advantages in achieving the compensation of diabetes, improving the
functional state of the CVS and respiratory system, the general physical condition and fitness of patients, as well
as the progression of DPN in patients with DM in comparing with only medical treatment.
Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy, physical therapy.


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