

aesthetic gymnastics, support, gymnasts, physical qualities


Acrobatic elements are widely used in all sport gymnastics events. A distinctive feature of acrobatic
exercises is their artificiality, that is, abstraction from the natural forms of human movements. Each team
includes several high-level supports in the program that characterizes the high level of athletes’ preparedness.
For the inclusion of support in the composition judges can give a bonus of 0.1 points. Aim. To make an analysis
of the technique performance and to develop a methodology for training the "Pyramid" support at the stage of
specialized basic training in aesthetic gymnastics. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of of
scientific and methodical literature data, videos of gymnasts’ performances from different teams; pedagogical
observation and experiment; testing; expert evaluation; methods of mathematical statistics.. The research was
conducted on the basis of the children and youth sports school number 4 in the town of Kamianske. The study
involved 14 gymnasts aged 16–17. Classes were held 5 times a week for 135 minutes. Results. The "Pyramid"
support is an acrobatic element where the group’s placement of gymnasts in the form of a compositionally
shaped figure takes place. It is performed in several phases: 1 – preparatory phase; 2 – the “Jump” phase; 3 –
the “Fixation” phase; 4 – phase “Out of support (element of coup)”; 5 – the “Completion (landing)” phase.
Gymnasts perform support in the final part of the composition for 6 seconds. The training of the “Pyramid”
support lasted 8 weeks. For 1 to 2 weeks of training gymnasts performed exercises aimed at increasing the level
of physical qualities and a set of exercises for the formation of gymnasts’ coherence. During 3–6 weeks,
gymnasts performed a series of lead-up exercises to study the the “Pyramid” support. During 7–8 weeks,
perfection of the technique in implementing the “Pyramid” support was made to include it in the competitive
composition. Conclusion. Implementation of the developed methodology allowed to increase the complexity of
the composition by 0.5 points and to take first place at the Ukrainian Aesthetic Gymnastics Championship.
Key words: aesthetic gymnastics, support, gymnasts, physical qualities.


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