

psychophysical development, physical education, pupils of the basic school, swimming


In the article, based on the analysis of literary sources and the experience of leading specialists in the
field of physical education and sports, the method of organizing and conducting swimming lessons for
schoolchildren of the main school was theoretically grounded. The questions of dynamics of changes of
indicators of psychophysical state of pupils of 12–13 years under the influence of swimming activities during the
school year are considered. An integral part of the chosen methodology is an increase in the indicators of
psychophysical development of primary school students. Using the chosen methods for determining the dynamics
of changes in the indicators of psychophysical development, the effectiveness of swimming exercises in terms of
improving the functions of various systems of the organism was confirmed. The purpose of the study was to
determine the changes in the indicators of psychophysical development of schoolchildren 12–13 years in the
process of swimming. Research methods are used: theoretical – analysis of scientific literary sources; empirical
– the use of physicians SAN (health, activity, mood). Using the chosen method, it was found that under its action
there were positive changes between the physical and psycho-emotional components of the students’
development. The obtained results allow to state that swimming means contribute to the correction of the
psychophysical state of students 12–13 years old. The results of the experiment showed that at the end of the
study, showed the maximum results of the experimental group. A comparative analysis of the data of the
psychophysical development of the pupils of the control and experimental group in swimming lessons is made. In
conclusion, it is established that when applying physical exercises, especially swimming means, the level of
mental and physical development of pupils in the primary school increases. The process of studying the
swimming of students provides a positive emotional attitude to the classes, promotes the development of
psychomotor, intellectual, physical processes, and also provides a high level of psychophysical development of
students of the main school.
Key words: psychophysical development, physical education, pupils of the basic school, swimming.


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