

bronchial asthma, health, treating gymnastics, massage


The problem of nation’s health in the XXI century remains one of the vital for Ukrainian state it is widely
discussed at national level, by social organizations as well as scientific circles. Bronchial asthma is important
problem for health care. Approximately 300 million people suffer from it all over the world. According to
National institute of phthisiology and pulmonology data, real spreading of bronchial asthma among adults in
Ukraine is more than 4%. Approximately 2,5 million of people in Ukraine suffer from bronchial asthma. Unfortunately,
as statistical data shows, these numbers keep on growing.
Such percent of people suffer from bronchial asthma underlines importance of this problem and rises a
number of questions, which demand production of complex of organizational methodical physical therapy
measures, which will be target in body breathing system restoration. Nowadays a lot of definite means of
treating and prevention among such contingent of sick people exist. Restoration range of means for people
suffering from bronchial asthma is quite diverse, but they are not always effective that is proved by steady
growing of this illness among primary school children.
The purpose of the study is to develop and scientifically substantiate the effectiveness of a comprehensive
physical therapy program for children of primary school age (6–7 year old) suffering from bronchial
Material and methods: The following methods were used to solve the tasks: theoretical analysis and
generalization of research and methodology Referencess, investigation of external respiration functions,The research program was conducted in September-December 2018 on the basis of secondary schools
No 7 and 13 in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi.
The experimental group was selected on the basis of medical documentation, ambulatory pediatric
observation of children, and personal examination. 24 children were selected to participate in the study. The
children were affected by a mild form of bronchial asthma. Medical diagnosis was established by a local
pediatrician. A dynamic observation was carried out by a school physician.
Results and conclusions. Following the implementation of the program of physical rehabilitation, it was
determined that unstable remission was noted in 4 (33%) children in the experimental group and in 7 (58%)
children in the control group. Attacks were observed once in 1–2 months, night attacks were absent. Stable
remission was observed in 8 (67%) of the experimental group and 5 children (42%) in the control group.
Means of physical therapy gain the great importance in treating people suffering from bronchial asthma
and are target in improving the function of external breathing. In process of physical therapy, remission occurs
thanks to mobilization of sick person’s personal compensational possibilities.
Key words: bronchial asthma, health, treating gymnastics, massage.
research of the cardiovascular system, and methods of mathematical statistics.


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