

pilates, gymnastics, physical fitness, students


Pilates as a health-improving form of gymnastics and its impact on the level of physical fitness of
students. Gordienko O. I. The article highlights the features of the Pilates system and the specifics of its use and
the impact on the level of physical fitness of students. The classification of types of pilates is revealed. The
purpose of the work is to determine the impact of pilates on the physical fitness of students. Methods of research:
analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical experiment; methods of
mathematical statistics. Organization of the study -the experiment was attended by 40 students aged 17–18, who
studied at the first course of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology of the “GPDU named after
Hryhoriy Skovoroda”. All students, on the basis of a comprehensive medical examination, were in the main
medical group. At the first stage, the test was conducted in October and included the following control
standards: running 1000m, running 30m, jump in length from the place, shuttle running (4x9m.), Raising in the
shed for 1 min, flexion-extensions of hands in Stinging lying, squatting on the right / left leg, tilt of the trunk
forward from sitting position. According to the test results, the students were divided into two groups, equal in
terms of the number of participants and the average score (experimental and control groups). The control group
was engaged in the traditional curriculum on physical education at universities of III-IV levels of accreditation.
The experimental group was engaged in the traditional program, which was additionally complemented by the
means of the Pilates system. The second stage of testing was carried out in April. He was to determine the level
of physical fitness of students in the control and experimental groups. The results of the pedagogical experiment
make the following conclusions: almost half of the total number of students (48%) undergoing testing have an
average level of physical fitness, which corresponds to a satisfactory assessment, above the average (score well)
showed 30% of the students. The high level of preparedness (score excellent) does not have any of the studied
groups and the level below the average (unsatisfactory score) has 22% of students. In the control group, the tcriterion
score is obtained by the formula for calculations, less t boundary. This suggests that no significant
changes in the averages have occurred.
Key words: pilates, gymnastics, physical fitness, students.


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