

basketball, pankration, training process


Summary: The influence of basketball on improvement of speed indicators during the training process in
pankration is analyzed and investigated in the article. There is a high number of motor actions, extreme in
competitive, and also training situations that cause significant changes in the functions of the body of the athlete
in the training process of single fighters. The problem of transition from power work to speed-functional during
the off-season period is substantiated. The dynamics of loading in each cycle is characterized by the beginning
of an increase in the volume of general and special training, and then stabilization or even a decrease in the
load. Sometimes when reducing the amount of general training there is an increase in the amount of special
training. As for the intensity of the load, it rises during the cycle and decreases only in 2-3 weeks before the
competition. Fluctuations in volume and intensity of loads in mesocycles can be quite substantial, but the
indicated tendency of their dynamics is maintained. Over the development of force work in the off-season, when
there is no speed and functional work. Just the transition from power work to a specialized high-speed is a
problem. The volume of loading in martial arts is directional and in order to accelerate the process of recovery,
in sport practice, sports games are used, that is switching to another kind of activity. During the game of
basketball, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and leg muscles are fully loaded; these same muscles also work in
martial arts. Basketball develops an explosive force of the feet due to frequent jumps, which is just as important
in martial arts. A large number of actions by different groups of muscles makes basketball and martial arts
similar to the dynamics of the game / battle. Found that basketball is the closest to martial arts, that with this
game, the time of transition
Key words: basketball, pankration, training process.


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