


motor activity, races, recreation and wellness activities, adults


The aim of the research is to study and systematize approaches that increase the level of adults’ involvement to recreation and wellness activities. Methods of research include the following: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, documentary materials; pedagogical and sociological methods of research, methods of motor activity assessment, and methods of mathematical statistics. Results of the research are the following: on the basis of analysis, generalization and comparison of scientific and methodological literature as well as obtained empirical data, we have studied the target audience of the participants of racing competitions and identified the specifics of involving different population groups in mass recreation and wellness activities in Ukraine. We have analysed social preconditions for recreational activities at domestic and foreign recreation and wellness events according to the data of special literature. It has been revealed that the majority of races participants in Ukraine are people from highly-populated cities (Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv); moreover, we have discovered the problem of absence of running culture in many cities and villages of Ukraine. In the current situation that exists in Ukraine, we have proposed some approaches to attracting more people to health and recreation activities: running an advertising campaign built on runners’ messages, creating an online and offline training program for different target audiences: from beginners to experienced runners; organising lectures on running topics; creating a single base of the Ukrainian racing clubs in order to improve runners’ training and expand the audience of people keen on racing in general; creating the race on certain distance aimed at charitable purposes. On the basis of the obtained data, we have developed recommendations for attracting adults to recreation and wellness activities, providing the example of organising mass running races.


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