



Typical educational program, younger students, outdoor games, relay races, dynamic changes


The process of optimizing physical fitness, strengthening the physical and mental health of children of primary school age requires special attention and detailed study. After all, the physical fitness of modern youth is deteriorating every year, and the incidence of children in all regions of Ukraine is significantly increasing. The goal is to characterize and experimentally test the effect of lessons with elements of developed mobile games and relays on the level of development of physical fitness of elementary school students. Methods and organization of research. We conducted a pedagogical experiment during February–May with students of the control group, that is, the 2017–2018 academic year, and September–January of the 2018–2019 academic year, with students of the experimental group on the basis of the Verbovsky teaching and educational complex “Secondary school I–III steps – preschool educational institution” Vysotsk village council, Dubrovitsk district, Rivne region. The study involved 31 students of the experimental group (EG) of 1–4 grades and 34 students of the control group (CG). The pupils of the two groups were divided into groups: 6–7 years old (1–2 class) and 8–9 years old (3–4 class), which were evaluated separately. Used such research methods as theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical methods (pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; pedagogical testing); anthropometry; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Analysis of data indicators anthropometric data, where the average length and body weight of boys and girls grades 1–4 control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups is within the age norm. The chest circumference in boys and girls correspond to the level of development. The physical fitness of students in the experimental and control groups has become an experimentally proven engine for the use of mobile games and relays, and dynamic interruptions in the time period for the development of physical fitness in students of the experimental group. Therefore, the positive effect of the introduction of 1–4 grades of outdoor games into practical forms of study has been experimentally proved. Findings. The new program provides for a wider use of mobile games, as well as the ability of each teacher to independently choose mobile games in accordance with the objectives of the lesson. According to the results of the study, we can state that one of the most effective means of solving the problem of developing physical fitness in primary school age is outdoor games


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