
  • M. Dikal Bukovinian State Medical University
  • O. Cherniukh Bukovinian State Medical University


emotional burnout syndrome,, teacher of a higher educational institution, stress prevention.


The emotional burnout syndrome is a state that manifests itself in psycho-emotional, mental and physical
exhaustion, which leads to paralysis of our strengths, feelings and is accompanied by loss of joy and satisfaction from life in response to the long-term effects of stress and psycho-traumatic factors. That is why the study of the peculiarities of development and the ways of prevention requires a systematic approach, the use of various methods, as well as the development of modern technologies for the preservation of psychological health among teachers of higher education institutions and are topical issues of the present. In the work the study of the features of development and prevention of emotional burn-out syndrome in the teachers of the theoretical departments of the higher state educational medical institution of Ukraine “Bukovinsky State Medical University” was conducted. Adapted BoykoVV method was used to diagnose the level of emotional burnout, who found that the symptoms of emotional burnout develop in 44% of teachers. It shows the presence of psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders and the development of such symptoms as emotional and moral disorientation, manifested
by an uncontrolled influence of mood on relationships with others and the development of indifference in communicating with colleagues. There is also the emergence of a symptom of the expansion of the sphere of saving of emotions, which is characterized by emotional isolation, alienation, the desire to minimize any communication and the symptom of reduction of training duties, manifested in the pursuit of as little time as possible to spend on professional duties. To prevent the onset of this syndrome, it is possible to use a variety of methods for the harmonization of mental and physical health by influencing the physical, emotional state and influence on thoughts and changes in the worldview.
Key words: emotional burnout syndrome, teacher of a higher educational institution, stress prevention


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