
  • N. Dmitriieva Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University
  • Yu. Kopochynska Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University


specialist, specialist in physical therapy and ergotherapy, physical therapy, physical therapy professional skills of specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy, modern pedagogical technologies, PBL, problem-based learning, TBL, teambased learning, CBL, case-based learning, design oriented training, imitation technologies


The purpose of the study is to identify modern pedagogical technologies that need to be introduced into
the process of theoretical and practical training of future specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy, a
scientific substantiation of their application. Materials and methods of research are the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the analysis of the results of the conducted survey of teachers of special disciplines of the department “Physical therapy, ergotherapy”. According to the results of the study, it has been established that such modern pedagogical technologies as problem-oriented learning, command-oriente dlearning, project-oriented teaching technologies, clinical education and training based on imitation technologies, require the greatest coverage and implementation in the process of theoretical and practical training of future specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy, since these methods are based on group learning with the discussion of theoretical material, presented in this form a problem that is close to a professional situation, which contributes to a better learning of learning material, development and improvement of behavioral and professional skills. It has been determined that technologies such as problem-oriented learning, team-oriented learning, project-oriented learning, clinical education and training, based on imitation technologies, require the greatest coverage and implementation of theoretical and practical training of future specialists in the field of theoretical and practical training. physical therapy and ergotherapy. On the basis of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature it is proved that the above-mentioned methods of teaching
are acceptable and necessary for distribution in the educational field “Physical therapy and ergotherapy”.
Key words: specialist, specialist in physical therapy and ergotherapy, physical therapy, vocational
training, professional skills of specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy, modern pedagogical technologies, PBL, problem-based learning, TBL, teambased learning, CBL, case-based learning, design oriented training, imitation technologies.


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