


free style fighters, program, special physical training, competitive activities


The purpose of the work was to evaluate the results of the competitive activity of the student-wrestlers after the application of the developed training program in the annual cycle. In the course of the research, the analysis of scientific and special literature was applied; pedagogical observation and experiment; pedagogical testing (studying the effectiveness of competitive activities), methods of mathematical statistics. The analysis of the competitive activity of the student-wrestlers was conducted both directly during the matches, and in the process of video replay. The following indicators of the competitive activity of the student wrestlers were determined: the duration of real attacks, the interval of attacks – the intervals of time, through which attacks are made, the interval of successful attacks – the intervals of time, through which they are produced, the duration of successful attacks, the number of points won, the duration of the fight – the time from it beginning before the actual ending, the number of victories, the number of losses. In the pedagogical experiment, participated 10 free style wrestlers aged 18 to 20 years. The research was conducted on the basis of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. For effective control of the development of the speed-strength qualities of students engaged in free struggle, 6 microcycles of training were formed using combinations of exercises of a certain nature (developing (physically / technically), control, preparatory, competitive, restorative). The proposed program of development of speed-strength qualities of student-wrestlers provided a reliable growth of the values of an anaerobic component of special endurance, an increase in its power and speed-power components by the results of tests in squatting with the partner of its weight and pulling up the jerk on the crossbar. The result of the training program we introduced was the improvement of competitive activities, which was confirmed by the probable increase in the duration of real attacks, a decrease in the time interval between attacks, an increase in the time of successful attacks and an increase in the duration of the match in general. As a result, the total number of victories grew against the backdrop of an unchanging number of losses. The absence of changes in muscle strength of the abdominal press was recorded, which in the long run proves the need to improve our training program with emphasis on the effectiveness of selected exercises


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