
  • N. Pozmohova Zaporizhzhia National University
  • N. Bohdanovska Zaporizhzhia National University


rehabilitation, ergotherapy, quality of lif, physical health component, mental health component


The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of complex means of ergotherapeutic intervention with
additional use of mirror therapy and elements of the Perfetti method in recovery of functional activity in patients with consequences of stroke. The methods of research are examination of motor function of the upper limb with the Frenchay Arm Test, assessment of functional independence of the patient under the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), assessment of quality of life with the questionnaire (SF-36), as well as methods of mathematical statistics. The study lasted for two months, carried out on the basis of the center for comprehensive rehabilitation of people with disabilities and included screening and conducting of ergotherapy in 26 patients aged 50–74 years in the early recovery period after ischemic stroke. The main and control groups, each one consisted of 13 people, were comparable according to sex and age characteristics, level of spasticity in hand, level of fine motor skills in hand. The patients of both groups were treated by the standard complex of physical therapy measures: massage, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy for the restoration of fine motor skills. Ergotherapeutic rehabilitation measures included training of social activities and activities of daily living. In the main group, additional training on cognitive-motor therapy, which included the use of mirror therapy and elements of the Perfetti method, was provided.
The results of the indicators that characterize the functionality of the upper limb, the level of functional
independence and physical and mental components of the quality of life in persons with consequences of
ischemic stroke obtained at the end of the study in the main group are significantly higher (р <0,05) compared to the control group. Thus, the complex program of ergotherapy with additional use of mirror therapy and elements of the Perfetti method can be used to restore self-care skills of persons with consequences of stroke in the early recovery period.
Key words: rehabilitation, ergotherapy, quality of life, physical health component, mental health


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