


coordination skills, pupils, high school, boxing, physical education


The goal of the research is to development coordination skills of high schools pupils through boxing. The material and methods of the research. The unification of specialized methods of narrow sport profile allows building such methodologies for development motor skills that may satisfy modern youth’s needs during physical culture trainings and increase motivation towards those trainings. It was proven that suggested methods in boxing are appropriate to pupils’ interests. The methodology of development coordination through boxing during physical culture trainings was elaborated and substantiated. The variable module “Boxing” for high school pupils was elaborated. Such methods of scientific research as analysis and literature sources generalization, sociological method, survey, pedagogical experiment (pedagogical testing) and mathematical statistic method were used. The results of the research. The results of testing the level of coordination skills according to V.I.Liakh, in the beginning of pedagogical experiment show that level of coordination skills development among students from control and experimental group is below average. These results prove the research is relevant. The elaborated experimental methodology was establishing during physical culture classes for five months. The analysis of the results of testing the level of coordination skills development after the experiment has represented increase in coordination skills indicators in the experimental group compared to control group. All these results are proven by mathematical statistic methods. Conclusions. The conducted research proves the effectiveness of establishing author methodology of coordination skills development through boxing. The elaborated methodology can be implemented in the process of high school pupils’ physical education.


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