


coordination abilities, primary school age, choreography


Abstract. Pedagogical conditions of formation of effective coordination abilities in children of primary school age in the choreography. The paper studies the problem of formation of coordination abilities in children of primary school age in the choreography. Purpose – to uncover the best pedagogical conditions of formation of the main components of the coordination abilities of children of primary school age in the choreography. Methods and organization studies: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical practice, methods of mathematical statistics. The study was conducted on the basis of secondary school № 7 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, the experiment was attended by 59 girls and 62 boys of primary school age. The article highlights the best educational facilities for the effective formation of the main components in the structure of coordination abilities of children 6-9 years taking into account their age and sexual development. It is determined that one of the main pedagogical conditions for the formation of coordination abilities of junior pupils in the process of choreography is the determination of the value of pedagogical actions of selective orientation and their rational relation, which is based on the theoretical concept of activity of development. A high level of activity is developed for the development of abilities for precise movements, a sense of time and balance in boys from 6 to 7 years old; from 7 to 8 years – a sense of balance, muscular effort, precision movements (boys and girls) and the coordination of movements and a sense of time (boys); from 8 to 9 years – a sense of time, muscle effort and spatial orientation in boys


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