


physical education, European countries, school


The purpose of the article is an analysis of the current state and problems of physical education of schoolchildren in European countries in order to develop a strategy for optimizing the physical education of Ukrainian schools on the basis of foreign experience. Methods of research: analysis, systematization and generalization of data of scientific literature, normative documents.

Results. The article provides an analysis of the data of scientific literature and documentary materials on the peculiarities of organization and provision of the process of physical education in general schools of European countries. The comparative characteristic of the correspondence of the European school education with the following criteria is made: the availability of the legislative framework, the declarative and actual status of the subject “Physical education”, the number of lessons per week, the educational level of teachers of physical education, and others. It has been found that, in general, European countries have similar models of physical education organization and common goals and international standards. It is determined that not all countries meet state and international requirements for providing children with sufficient motor activity, but the status of the subject “Physical education” is obligatory in all countries studied. In addition, pupils are enrolled in extracurricular physical activity, in Poland it is mandatory. One of the most acute problems is the staffing of the process. In most countries, classes for elementary school students are conducted by teachers without special education.

Conclusions. For Ukraine, the value of European experience is to create flexible curricula, national standards for physical education, attract as many students as possible to physical activity, increase financing of the industry through non-state funds, etc


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