
  • A. Albu Університет медицини і фармації ім. Г.Т. Попа
  • I. Onose “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi
  • M. Hodorcă “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi
  • B. Abalaşei “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi



sports, eating habits


Objectives of the study: knowledge of the students of the Sports High School; the appreciation of the differences that do not arise between the nutrition of the students from the sport profile and the theoretical ones; reporting students’ nutrition to rational nutrition standards. Nutrition is an external factor that contributes to the development of children and young people and to optimizing the motor performance of students who practice performance sports. Material and method. Тhe study was conducted on a group of 122 students from a Sports Highschool where there were sports classes and theoretical classes. Students completed a weekly frequency questionnaire on food consumption. Results. The morning meal intake is present daily at 36.36% of young people with significant differences in favor of those from the sports program. The taste is the daily presence in 42,62% of pupils with insignificant differences depending on the profile. The weekly intake of chicken meat is mostly 2–3 times (46.28%) and the eggs still 2–3 times (38.01%) with insignificant differences. Dried vegetables are present in menus, especially 1/week (43.80%) and daily bread (52.89%). Conclusions. Nutrition is not adapted to the increased needs of students who practice sports performance, which is worrying.


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