
  • V. Tkachuk Ivano-Frankivsk college of physical education National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
  • I. Soverda IvanoFrankivsk college of physical education National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
  • S. Stepaniuk Kherson State University
  • L. Kozibroda Lviv Polytechnic National University


health promotion, health-improving technologies, wellness-technologies


The authors of the article provide the information on the health promotionof mature age women by means of wellness technologies. On the basis of the analysis of accessible literature, the authors found that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the concept of wellness was greatly developed and is becoming increasingly popular today. The concept is about providing a perfect state of health at all levels (physical, emotional, spiritual) through proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, various health and rejuvenating procedures. The main core of wellness philosophy is prevention of diseases and prevention of external, as well as internal signs of aging. In addition, the article outlines the motives for exercising using wellness-technologies. These motives have a complex structure and are associated with satisfaction with the process of work (emotionality, diversity, novelty, friendship, collectivism); and motives related to the results of the activity (acquisition of new skills, knowledge, skills, mastering of complex motor actions, improvement of own results); and motives related to prospects – health promotion, the ability to become physically fit person, develop physical qualities, be an athlete, educate the will, character, determination.
In the course of work, the authors proposed such wellness-technologies to improve the mature women
health : a combination of aerobic-anaerobic work with hardware massage techniques and thermal procedures. The statistically significant changes of the results of the research as a result of the pedagogical experiment confirm the effectiveness of the proposed program of recreational activities using wellness-technologies to strengthen the mature women health. We obtained reliable results on virtually all indicators of evaluation parameters, including the Larsson index, body mass index and resting breathing rates. Less statistically significant results are obtained in the heart rate and body mass index, although there is a positive trend towards the improvement.
Key words: health promotion, health-improving technologies, wellness-technologies.


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